

By John Moody | Last updated | Art

WHY The thing I hear all the time from people is,” It must be wonderful to have a talent, I can’t do anything” . That is so depressing to hear. Everyone can if they wish, find something that they have an aptitude for, or can practice at, to become good. The real stumbling block is that most get caught up in job’s,family or whatever, and never really try. My talent is limited, but I just want to do it. Looking at great artists makes me depressed, that I can’t achieve those hights, but it also makes me want to keep trying.

What you could be good at,may not be as obvious as being able to paint,sing,cook,write, etc. I had a friend that genuinly listened to what was troubling me,and often came up with sensible considered suggestions. That is a talent. When you were young you probably did creative things that,somehow got abandoned along the way. The first excuse is that there isn’t time. This is a poor one,how much time do you spend watching TV that you are not actually interested in? How long do you spend scrolling through stuff on social media?

I don’t want to look back on my life and only see the years of work,at a job that I only did to survive. My art may not be the best, nor my books great fiction,but they define me and my life.I would do these things even if nobody ever saw my work.

Do yourself a favour,and if you are not already doing something that really interests you,then go out and find it. Start now, don’t procrastinate.

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